Nearly every facility has some form of PACS these days but few end users have a system that has been optimized so that it can meet its fullest potential. IMC’s PACs optimization is a low cost service that reviews several of the tasks listed below. The review can be completely customized to meet your needs and budget.
Projects can be completed in as little as a day or two or address several areas over a several week period.
Some of the tasks we review include:
- Evaluate your existing system design, including interfaces with other clinical systems
- Pros, cons, and potential changes
- Archive, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
- Review and future strategies- pros, cons, and their impact
- Dictation/Transcription
- Virtual vs. physical environments (if/as applicable)
- Service options including review and discussion of existing service contracts
- Upgrades/Updates, Third party software
- Security/HIPAA compliance
- Teleradiology
- Support infrastructure
- Financial aspects including meaningful use
- Relationships with PCP’s and radiologists- dynamics
- Competitive issues
- Mandated issues- MQSA, Dose monitoring, Peer Review, Critical Results reporting, ED Discrepancy, etc.,
- Supply ordering (cardiology)
- Outstanding quotes/proposed updates/upgrades review including justification
- Vendor relationship- Pros cons, impact of change
- Prioritization of requirements
- Budgeting/financial options
Call us at (407) 359-0191 to find out more or email at We look forward to chatting with you about your needs.